Conserverie Jean de Luz

Bonito Zuri Gorri (bonito flakes with organic red peppers) - 85gr

Product’s description

We wanted to preserve the pleasant texture of bonito, with its white flesh (zuri) combined with strips of red bell pepper (gorri). 

Bonito, Sarda sarda or Sarda chilensis, is a cousin of tuna and mackerel. Often confused with tuna because of its shape, its flesh is more tender and its taste finer. 

Accompanied by organic extra-virgin olive oil from Navarre, this recipe is very lightly salted to preserve all the flavor of wild fish.

No additives, colorings or other perlimpinpins!


Conserverie Jean de Luz
3, avenue de Jalday, 64500 Saint Jean de Luz, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product Jean de luz
Dietary preferences additive free, preservative free, gluten free, lactose free
Shipping packaging cardboard
Eco-friendly commitments zero waste
Storage temperature between +5 and +10°C
Minimum storage life > 18 months
Product packaging glass
Semi-finished food products and ingredients No


3, avenue de Jalday, 64500 Saint Jean de Luz, France
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