

Product’s description

Our cold-pressed black cumin oil has an extraordinary taste. Even the ancient Egyptians knew and used this herb as a remedy. Among its essential ingredients, the antioxidants carvone and limonene deserve to be mentioned, which have antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Black cumin oil has a favorable fatty compound and a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, for example, omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids. Its vitamin E content is also high, which not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also plays an important role in the elimination of harmful free radicals in the body. Perhaps its most valuable compound is thymoquinone, which is likely to be thanked for the immune boosting, analgesic, demultiplying, antibacterial and antiviral effects of the oil.

Black cumin oil is versatile, ideal for internal and external use and is known as an ingredient for quality cosmetics. Used externally or internally, it has a beneficial effect on the skin. It has a firming and anti-wrinkle effect and can treat dry and acne-prone skin. It promotes digestion and has antiflatulent and anticonvulsant effects.

Add it to soups, salads or creams. Of course, consume a teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening.


Szakiskola u. 33-43, H-1224 Budapest, Hungary

Product’s features

Product Information

Baby food No
Brand product Grapoila
Exhibit at the trade show SIAL Paris 2024
Semi-finished food products and ingredients No


Szakiskola u. 33-43, H-1224 Budapest, Hungary
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