Sur le Sentier des Bergers

Sesame grissini

Product’s description

Grissini are traditional Italian breadsticks originated in Torino (region of Piedmont). 


History tells that in Turin in 1666, the first King of the House of Savoy, Victor Amedee suffered from food poisoning. The doctor ordered the baker of the court to prepare a very thin and well-baked bread, in order to destroy any microorganism present in the dough: the grissini was born! 


The noble patient was cured and the breadsticks were adopted by all the nobility of Turin.


Sur le Sentier des Bergers
270 rue Famille Laurens, 13290 Aix-en-Provence, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Buy on THE SHOwP Yes
Type of crackers and chips Other appetizers
Brand product Sur le Sentier des Bergers
Dietary preferences additive free, preservative free
Made in Italy
Eco-friendly commitments sustainable packaging
Minimum storage life 3-18 months


270 rue Famille Laurens, 13290 Aix-en-Provence, France

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