Terms of Service
General terms and conditions of sale
The present general conditions of sale apply to all sales concluded with SAS Apisphère.
The Apisphere company is :
- Represented by the brand Apisphère
- Registered at the RCS of Périgueux (24) under the SIRET : 88921286600012
- located at Bardet 24410 st Aulaye , France
- URL address of the site : https://apisphere.fr
- e-mail : serviceapisphere@gmail.com
- phone number : 0671875152
- VAT NUMBER : FR94 889 212 866
The brand and company Apisphere markets the following products Products beekeeping products
from the hive.
The customer declares to have taken knowledge and to have accepted the general conditions of
conditions of sale prior to placing the order. The validation of the order is therefore acceptance of
the general conditions of sale.
Article 1 - Purpose and scope
Any order of one or more products sold by the company APISPHERE, (hereafter the supplier) implies
the acceptance without reserve by the professional customer
(hereinafter the customer) of the present general sales conditions (hereinafter the GSC) and
prevail over all general conditions.
Article 2 - Intellectual property
All technical documents, products, photographs and information given to the customer remain the
customer remain the exclusive property of the supplier, only holder of the rights of property on these
property on these documents, and must be returned to him at first request.
The customer commits himself not to make any use of these documents likely to carry
the industrial or intellectual property rights of the supplier or of anyone else and undertakes not to
and undertakes not to disclose them to any third party.
Article 3 - Orders
Any sale is perfect only as from the express and written acceptance of the order of the
of the customer's order by the supplier within 48 working hours. For that with reception of the order
by the supplier, the latter sends to the customer the acknowledgement of receipt of receipt of the
order. The absence of written contestation of this confirmation of order within 48 hours implies
acceptance by the customer of the order and the GTC.
Article 4 - Products
The customer is responsible for the products he/she puts on the market. It is therefore his
responsibility to check the compatibility of the chosen packaging. With the packaged product, this
according to its conditions of conditions of use that he is the only one to know (process, storage,
transport ...), and to keep in the framework of the traceability of its products, the pallets and or
cartons, in compliance with the regulations in force.
The recommendations of any nature that can, if necessary, give the supplier only constitute
suggestions based on the best information and knowledge information and knowledge available to
him at the time of their formulation.
The information and indications appearing on the catalogs, prospectuses advertisements and price
lists as well as, more generally, on the documents of presentation and of the products sold by the
supplier have only an informative value, indicative and non-contractual: this information and these
indications do not engage the supplier who remains free to modify them in whole or in part at any
time moment.
Article 5 - Price
The prices are fixed by the tariff in force at the day of the order by the customer: they are always
based on the price before tax, packed products except for the instructions mentioned on the
acknowledgement of receipt of order.
The company charges VAT.
The prices may be modified during the year.
In the event of split deliveries, the rate invoiced will be that in force on the day of the delivery.
The prices quoted are Ex-Works (EXW)
Article 6 - Delivery
The products are delivered in Metropolitan France to the address indicated by the customer with the
order. The delivery times are given only as an indication and would not know, to in no case, give
place to compensations.
The free delivery is decided between the supplier and the customer, and indicated on the order
confirmation as well as the invoice corresponding to the payment.
The terms of transport must be indicated in incoterms 2020 on the order confirmation, the delivery
note and the invoice.
It is up to the customer, in case of damage of the delivered products or missing,
to make all necessary reservations with the carrier. Any product that has not been the subject of
reservations by registered mail with request for notice of receipt within three (3) days of its receipt
from the carrier,
in accordance with Article L. 133-3 of the Commercial Code, a copy of which shall be sent sent
simultaneously in the same form to the supplier, will be considered as accepted by the as accepted
by the customer.
Article 7 - Invoices
The supplier shall send its original invoices to its client in PDF format in accordance with articles 289b
and 289v of the CGI.
Article 8 - Payment
The payments must be carried out so that the supplier can have the sums the day of the expiry
appearing on the invoice, such as defined by the supplier with the creation of the account of the
customer, without discount, except particular exemption.
At the time of the creation of the account customer, the first order must be regulated is with the
order, except particular exemption.
Any amount including all taxes not paid by the due date will give rise to the payment by the customer
of penalties fixed at three times the legal interest rate. These penalties are payable as of right and
will be These penalties are due by right and will be automatically debited from the customer's
In the event of late payment, the customer will owe a fixed compensation for collection costs of
€40.00 (forty euros), automatically and without prior notice. prior notice. In addition to this, the
interest rate for late payment will be 3 times the
applicable legal rate.
In the event of non-payment integral by the customer of a due invoice, the supplier reserves the right
to suspend at any time, by right and without notice without notice or particular formalism, any
delivery in progress or to come future.
The terms and methods of payment are defined in the commercial proposal, and underlying,
validated when there is acceptance of the commercial proposal by the customer.
Article 9 - Reservation of ownership
The transfer of ownership of the products is suspended until full payment of the price
by the customer, in principal, interests, penalties, expenses and accessories, even in case of in case of
granting of payment deadlines in accordance with article L.624-16 of the Commercial Code. Code of
Article 10 - Guarantees
The supplier exclusively guarantees, on the one hand, the conformity of its products to the
order taking into account paragraph 1 of article 4 of the GCS and, on the other hand, its products
against products against hidden defects. He can only be held responsible for the replacement or
defective products, without the customer, who expressly accepts it, being able to
expressly accepts, can claim damages or compensation for any prejudice for any reason whatsoever.
compensation for any cause whatsoever.
Article 11 - Attribution of jurisdiction
The election of residence is made by the supplier, at its head office located at SAINT AULAYE, 24410,
lieu-dit chez Bardet.
Any dispute concerning the application of the present general conditions of sale and their
and their interpretation, their execution and the sales contracts concluded by the supplier, or
the supplier, or the payment of the price, will be carried in front of the competent court of
PERIGEUX in Dordogne, whatever the place of the order or the delivery,
whatever the mode of payment and even in the event of call in guarantee or of
plurality of defendants