Terms of Service

General conditions of sale: Les Sablés d'Asnelles


Any order implies acceptance of our T&Cs.


Les Sablés d'Asnelles® is a registered trademark at the INPI under registration Nr 3918952.

Order – Prices

Our price is net of any discount and rebate and is applicable on the date of delivery. No discount will be granted for early payment.

We guarantee that the shortbread delivered, their packaging and their labeling comply in all respects with the order as well as with the laws, regulations and standards in force.

VAT applicable: 5.5%

Delivery – Postage

The average delivery time is 10 working days from the date of the customer's order. Deliveries are only made according to availability and in the order of arrival of orders. The seller is authorized to make deliveries in whole or in part, depending on our availability.

Free of port from 270€ HT France. For any order less than €160, a flat rate of €21 excluding tax will be applied and for any order between €160 and €270, a flat rate of €11 excluding tax will be applied.

Storage of products

Our products have a shelf life of 4 months, date of manufacture.

As a professional, the buyer will take all necessary precautions so as not to alter the quality of the products. In this context, in particular, storage should only be done out of direct sunlight in a dry, non-humid place.

Commercial obligations

Les Sablés d'Asnelles reserves the right to no longer market its products to a company if its products are sold in a context that does not value quality products, in order to be consistent with our commercial policy.

In the event that our products are resold to another professional, the customer must provide us with the information to avoid any interference with the company's distribution channels. This clause applies in the case of a company with several stores mainly delivered to a centralized warehouse or store.

Your sales prices including VAT must be higher than the prices charged in our shop located at 2 place Sir Alexander Stanier. These are available on simple request at sables.asnelles@sfr.fr.or by telephone at:

Settlement - Late payment

For the 1st delivery: payment with the order by bank transfer.

From the 2nd order: payment by bank check or bank transfer 30 days net from the invoice date.

Any delay in payment will result in the invoicing of late payment penalties at a rate that cannot be less than five times the legal interest rate according to article 441-10 of the Commercial Code. To this amount will be added a lump sum of €40 for recovery costs.

In the event of late payment, “Les sablés d’Asnelles” reserves the right to suspend any orders in progress, without prejudice to any other course of action.


No discount will be granted for early payment of the invoice.

Personal data

The personal data collected from buyers is subject to computer processing carried out by the supplier. They are recorded in his customer file and are essential to the processing of his order. This information and personal data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. They will be kept for as long as necessary for the execution of orders and any applicable guarantees.

The data controller is the provider. Access to personal data will be strictly limited to employees of the controller, authorized to process them by reason of their functions. The information collected may possibly be communicated to third parties linked to the company by contract for the performance of subcontracted tasks, without the buyer's authorization being necessary.

As part of the performance of their services, third parties have only limited access to the data and are required to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. Apart from the statements above, the supplier is prohibited from selling, renting, assigning or giving access to third parties to the data without the Buyer's prior consent, unless forced to do so for a legitimate reason.

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the Buyer has a right of access, rectification, erasure, and portability of the data concerning him, as well as the right to oppose the processing for legitimate reasons. Right that he can exercise by contacting the data controller at the postal address:

Les Sablés d'Asnelles, 17 rue de Southampton, 14960 Asnelles; or by email: sables.asnelles@sfr.fr.

In the event of a complaint, the Buyer may submit a complaint to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties.


En vue de trouver ensemble une solution à tout litiges qui surviendraient dans l’exécution de leurs relations contractuelles, les contractants conviennent de se réunir dans les quinze jours à compter de la réception d’une lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception, notifiée par l’une des deux parties.

La présente procédure de règlement amiable constitue un préalable obligatoire à l’introduction d’une action en justice entre les parties. Toute action introduite en justice en violation de la présente clause serait déclarée irrecevable.

Toutefois, si au terme d’un délai de trente jours, les parties n’arrivaient pas à se mettre d’accord sur un compromis ou une solution, le litige serait alors soumis à la compétence juridictionnelle désignée ci-après.

Attribution de juridiction

Tous les litiges auxquels les présentes conditions générales de vente et les accords qui en découlent pourraient donner lieu, concernant tant leur validité, leur interprétation, leur exécution, leur résolution, leurs conséquences et leurs suites seront soumis au tribunal de commerce de Caen.

Numéro d’identifiant unique

IDU : FR209777_01DYAE.

Délivrée par l’ADEME, conformément à l’article 62 de la loi anti-gaspillage pour l’économie circulaire (loi AGEC)

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