Kings Of Indigo


Business information

Legal name
Kings Of Indigo B.V.
Business address
Krijn Taconiskade 440, 1087 HW Amsterdam, Netherlands
Full name
Mijke De Vette

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Two steps ahead

When Tony Tonnaer founded the Kings of Indigo company eight years ago, his objective was clear; to produce clothing in a sustainable way both socially and environmentally, without compromising on quality. He believed that neither sustainability nor quality had to be sacrificed in order to make beautiful garments. Since then, what it means to be 'sustainable' has evolved and become more intricate, and the future promises further changes.

The brand works with a clear objective to lead the industry to change. But that forward thinking has helped shape and change the path of fashion, Kings of Indigo always being two steps ahead of the rest. Kings of Indigo positions itself as a pioneer in this ever-changing sustainable fashion world, innovating with materials and sustainable production methods, constantly exploring how to reduce the impact on the planet and people; using its Five Pillars of Sustainability as cornerstones.

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