Macè srl

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Business information

Legal name
Macè srl
Business address
Via Prampolini 32/A, 44047 TERRE del RENO, Italy
Full name
Ornella Paparoni


One of the first companies in Italy entirely dedicated to fresh-cut fruit, Macè immediately distinguished itself as an innovative company, introducing high-pressure technology (HPP) for the stabilization of fresh fruit extracts in Italy in 2010. Macè is also among the first companies in Europe to develop a range of snacks nutritionally rich in protein and fiber, based solely on legumes and vegetables. "With our products, we want to contribute to a healthy, high-quality diet, without compromising on the selection of raw materials and their further processing. We want healthy eating to be within everyone's reach, every day; that's why, in everything we do, we never lose sight of our values: innovation, quality and 100% natural."

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