Pearls Molecular Experience


Business information

Legal name
Business address
C/ Apol·lo 7, Nave 1, 08228 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
Full name
Francesca Belmar

Legal information

Identification number
BBVA ES11 0182 8659 2802 0007 8243
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An innovation recently officially launched at the Gourmet Selection show, Molecular Experience is a Spanish brand created by a Franco-Spanish duo.
We are pioneers in R&D regarding spherifications. We created this gastronomic gem by minimizing its envelope and extending its useful life.
We seek excellence.
Thus, we have specialized for more than 10 years in reverse spherification: - spherification of cocktails
- spherification of fresh fruits/vegetables
and all in liquid form inside the sphere formed of an incredibly thin film, hence the unexpected sensation when tasting.
Our reason for being in the HORECA / CHR market: it is to allow taste and event players to capture even more the attention of their customers by adding a fun, totally surprising ingredient, which offers an explosive touch and subtle.

Technical side:
Molecular cuisine has existed for a long time, of course, but our know-how is exclusive:
with a diameter of 2.5 cm, its capacity of 7ml corresponds to a sip, perfect for lining the palate, a pearl of this size with 100% liquid content and such a fine envelope is a real performance.
We have succeeded in manufacturing these pearls in a stable manner. Our production site is based in Spain. We export to several countries (England, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Mexico...) and we are convinced that our Pearls will be appreciated in France.
What about taste ?
Our passion: taste, the combination of flavors to offer you the best.
For maximum flavor, we use premium alcohol and artisanal syrups for our mocktails, in addition to some recipes that contain fresh fruit. Our alcohol-free Pearls are carefully made from fresh products that we process ourselves!
Who will use it ?
Our products are aimed at a public of fine gourmets, and for this we wish to work with restaurateurs, caterers, bartenders, event professionals...
Where to use Pearls ?
• Into dishes (verrines, catered appetizers, starters, main courses, desserts, salads...)
• In a glass of champagne ou wine, in a cocktail
pure degustation on welcome drinks, ’events, professional meetings, weddings, birthdays... )
• retail shops : caves, golfs, hotels, Resort, concept-store, ...
• Fashion Evènements & influencers, premium & luxury market.


Gourmet Selection 24

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