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Andrea Georgiou 50, 54627 Thessaloniki, Greece
Despina Moschidou
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We are based in Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city.
The multicultural mentality of the city's inhabitants has greatly influenced the local cuisine over the centuries. Having been immersed in this atmosphere since childhood, we grew up surrounded by the flavours of these different recipes.
It all started with a woman who was passionate about these little treats that are part of our daily lives, whatever the occasion. She was determined to spread the word about these home-made Greek delicacies with new and original recipes based on local traditions.
After many years travelling around Greece and experimenting with various recipes she finally launched the "Petits Grecs" range in 2014. A dedicated group of people mentored by famous Greek chefs and pastry chefs, are constantly creating new flavours to enrich the Petits Grecs range.
The inspiration behind each recipe comes from a different part of Greece: the original is selected from all that the region has to offer and our Petits Grecs team work on it again and again until they find their own final recipe which they are then proud to present to you.

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