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PROMAC ENTERPRISES SDN BHD (PESB) was incorporated in 1980 headed by 2 directors Mr.Low Teik Yam and Mdm Ong Yeek Yeep.
PESB has been appointed as the sole distributor for New Zealand Milk products since 1991 to distribute dairy products to local confectionery, ice-cream factories, chocolate factories, bakeries factories, and biscuits. Products distributed by PESB to local and overseas markets are mainly milk powder, edible oil, fats, and other food products to local and overseas markets. Her major customers include Barkath Store, Berly’s Chocolate, Cadbury Confectionery, Cocoland, Danone, KFC, Kings Confectionery, Nestle, Unilever, and Yeo Hiap Seng.
PESB owns the registered trademark “PROMEX”, which is widely distributed in African continents, Middle East countries, Asia Pacific Regions, etc.
PESB is located at 38-1 Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 11, Taman Usahawan, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur with a current workforce of 85 employees.
SIAL Paris 24 7 G-077
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