Sri Lanka Export Development Board

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Legal name
Sri Lanka Export Development Board
Business address
No.42 Nawam Mawatha, 00200 Colombo 02, Sri Lanka
Full name
Inoka Nilmini Wanasinghe

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


EDB is Sri Lanka’s premier organization for the development and promotion of exports, established in 1979 under the Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40, under the influence and guidance of the International Trade Center (ITC) and the United Nations Conference on Development of Trade & Tariffs (UNCTAD).

Today, SLEDB has reached beyond its original responsibility as a trade promotion organisation, and have reached unto multiple layers of the country’s industrial, service and export ecosystem playing the role of a mentor and a facilitator in reaching new markets and identifying market and industry trends.

The goal of EDB is to provide assistance and create opportunities for Sri Lankan exporters and industries to expand their business internationally, thereby increasing export sales and employment prospects in the region.
Our knowledge of the Sri Lankan marketplace and the distribution characteristics of its many industries help Sri Lankan exporters and suppliers to increase their exports to the global market. Main focus products promote; Teas, Coconut products, Spices & Concentrates, food & Beverages and Fish and fisheries products.


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