Ayal Kaas B.V.


Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Ayal Kaas B.V.
Gording 15, 1551 NH Westzaan, Pays-Bas
Contact entreprise
Guzide Caliskan
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Ayal Kaas is the specialist in the field of cutting, grating and packaging cheese. We have a wide range of cheeses that we can process for you. Do you want cubes, slices or grated cheese? Do you want regular cheese, organic cheese, halal cheese or a vegan alternative? We package Gouda, Mozzarella, Edam, Cheddar and more kinds of cheese in neutral, printed or private label packaging. We supply to supermarkets, wholesalers and catering businesses worldwide.

We have been working in our new production hall in Westzaan since 2019. Ayal Kaas can really call herself an innovative trendsetter. And not just in the field of cutting, packaging cheese. We clean with bio-responsible disinfectants. The roof is full of solar panels and the heat from the cooling installation is reused. Around the building are fruit trees and flowering shrubs especially for insects.

We like to think along with you when developing a product. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities in more detail.


SIAL Paris 24
7 H-211

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